
Tuesday, April 30, 2013


INN News Desk

The interrogation of alleged Hizbul Mujahideen spy Faroquee Ahmed Gulam Hasan Naiku, 37, has brought to the light the fund raising methods adopted by the Pakistan-based terror group for its anti-India operations.

Naiku claimed that a substantial portion of Hizbul’s fund is generated from the sale of skin of livestock, collected by volunteers at village fairs.

Sources in the criminal intelligence unit of the police, which arrested Naiku on Tuesday, said the Jammu and Kashmir resident had made over six trips to Pakistan prior to 2008. “He had even travelled by the Samjhauta Express on one occasion,” a source said.

Naiku said his Hizbul handler took him to training camps for ‘mujahids’  (terrorists), which are allegedly run across Pakistan with full knowledge of the government…

…Naiku, sources said, was taken to the stalls put up by the terror group in village fairs in the Punjab province.

“The Hizbul volunteers would collect donations from people in general. They would collect the skin of goats, sheeps and cows, which were then sold to leather industries and the proceeds would be used in funding terror in India,” the source said…

No estimates of Hizbul Mujahideen’s revenues from the sales are provided in the article, but a separate report in December revealed that Jamaat-ud-Dawa (a front charity for Lashkar-e-Taiba) and Jaish Muhammad made roughly $800,000 from animal skin sales during the festival of Eid al-Adha in 2012.  (To put that amount in perspective, the 9/11 terror attacks cost $400,000 to $500,000 to carry out.)  During the festival, “Muslims sacrifice animals to please God and donate the hides to charity,” and jihadist front charities and their sympathizers join in the mix.
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