
Monday, March 18, 2013

Drugs Warning! Never Play Doctor

Many of us stop taking our medicine before we should. Why playing doctor can be a dangerous game. Popping pills without a doctor's prescription, even if the ailment is minor, could have serious repercussions, warns medical experts.

Many of us won't realize that medicines really work like a war. where the stronger side wins. Antibiotics will kill a lot of bacteria, but unless you take enough of the medicine, a few - the strongest one - could survive  If you stop the medication midway through the course prescribed by your doctor, those stronger bacteria will multiply and hit you even harder. The same goes for antivirals and other drugs.

We often pop pills for common ailments like fever, colds, cough and headache, without bothering to consult a doctor . Self-medication, even for minor ailments, could lead to medical complications. A large number of potent drugs such as pain relievers, cough remedies, anti-allergies , laxatives, antibiotics, antacids and vitamins are sold over-the-counter (OTC). Self-medication with OTC medicines could cause allergy, habituation, and addiction. For example, excessive use of vitamins can cause hypervitaminosis , or vitamin poisoning. Antimicrobial resistance is a worldwide problem, particularly in India where antibiotics are often available without a prescription. The dangers of self-medication could include the following:

Misdiagnosing the illness
A minor health issue which could be resolved easily with the doctor's advice may become a major problem over time. Symptoms may subside temporarily with self-medication , but it would become difficult for a doctor to correctly diagnose and treat later.

You could become addicted to prescription drugs such as antacids, cough syrups and pain relievers.

Allergic reactions
Some antibiotics such as penicillin or sulpha drugs can cause severe reactions in the body for some people. These could be fatal.

Insufficient dosage
Incorrect dosage of medicines will not cure and will prolong recovery. On the other hand, over-dosage may damage liver , kidneys and other organs. Indiscriminate use of antibiotics : These could, over a long time, lead to antimicrobial resistance . Consequently, the antibiotic may become ineffective when taken in the future.

Risk of stroke
The most commonly misused medicines are painkillers. Analgesics can induce gastritis and can also increase risk of stroke by four times in patients with high BP.

Drug interactions
Some herbal drugs and medicines may cause drug-to-drug interactions and adversely affect the body.

Self-medication by pregnant women
This could adversely affect the unborn child causing congenital anomalies and birth defects. Unlike other facets of selfcare , self-medication involves the intake of drugs, which have the potential to be beneficial or harmful . Their improper use can have serious health implications, especially among children, the aged, and in people with special physiological conditions such as pregnancy and lactation. The government and health authorities must ensure that only safe drugs are made available OTC. Consumers should be given adequate information about their use.
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