
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Indian Minority Body Meet A Non-Event

The annual conference of State Minorities Commissions in New Delhi on March 12 and 13 turned out to be a low-key affair, with the national media virtually ignoring it as a non-event. The theme was ‘Sensitivity of the majority (community) and responsibility of the minorities in secular India.’ The three sessions of the conclave were devoted to topics like ‘achieving communal harmony,’ ‘role of minorities in securing national defence and public security” and ‘education and the minorities – access and form.’ Each of these sessions were addressed by eminent persons from different fields. 
Vice-president Mohammed Hamid Ansari, who inaugurated the conference, pointed out that the Constitution is premised on the ideals of justice, liberty, equality and fraternity and promises these to all citizens. He felt that, away from generalisations in formal and legal terms, an assessment of the ground reality pertaining to minorities needs to cover four areas: identity, security, share in the fruits of development and role in decision-making. Given the complexity of our societal landscape and its variables, the articulation of grievances by different religious minorities has varied in content and intensity. While some are sporadic, others seem to be endemic. 
Union minister of minority affairs K Rahman Khan said that the biggest challenge was how to fight divisive forces that attempt to disturb the communal harmony in the country. “More than the minority, it is the responsibility of the majority to fight such elements, in their own interest and in the interest of the nation. The minority too has the responsibility to respect the sentiments of the majority and co-operate in safeguarding the religious and cultural heritage of the majority,” he observed. The Union minister claimed that the minorities were satisfied with the government’s spending on various schemes but the complaints related mainly to delivery mechanism. 

Referring to the Sachar Committee, he pointed out that out of the 76 recommendations, 72 were accepted by the government and 69 were implemented. Under the Prime Minister’s 15-point programme for the welfare of minorities, physical and financial targets have been earmarked in all developmental schemes for the deprived minority communities. Cautioning that minorities were losing faith in law enforcing agencies, he asked minority commissions to ponder over this ‘trust deficit’ and suggest ways to bridge it. 
Former union minister Mani Shankar Aiyar made a lucid presentation on the theme of the conference. According to him, ‘secular harmony’ and communal harmony are the state of mind. We need clear understanding on secularism for ensuring communal harmony. Respecting others belief and rights is necessary for co-existence. Hinduism has been deeply impacted by Islamic thought. Islam was widely accepted in medieval India soon after its birth in Arabia because the teaching of the Prophet of equality was very attractive to those who were under-privileged by the Karma philosophy. 

Much later, the Bhakti Movement was born that united Hindus despite their differences. This reduced the pace of growth of Islam in India. In spite of 666 years of continuous Muslim rule in India, the 1872 census showed that only 24 percent of population was Muslim. 
Aiyar suggested that ministry of minority affairs should be allocated at least 15 per cent of total Plan outlay for development of minorities. “We need to delink history with partition/Pakistan for achieving communal harmony. Secularism means right of others to hold their beliefs and rights. Today, we have a multiple identity. However, a basic trend of identity comes out from religions. Diversity envisages religious diversity. Communitarian interest is not communal interest. Therefore, community needs to pursue their rights for their progress and development,” he observed. 
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