
Friday, March 29, 2013

Syrians Selling Their Teenage Daughters to Saudi 'Husbands'

The war on Syria has not only caused tens of thousands of casualties but something much worse is going on. Syrian girls, some as young as 12, are being sold to rich Saudi men who are often in their 60s or 70s. There is a thriving business underway in Jordan that has some 440,000 Syrian refugees. 

Conditions in Jordan’s Zaatari refugee camp are extremely harsh but the Jordanians do not provide help and prevent outside charities also from doing so.

Syrian mothers, their husbands and sons either dead or engaged in war, are unable to earn a living to provide food for their children. The Jordanian regime does not allow them to work despite being part of the gang of conspirators that are supporting the war on Syria. Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey are providing money and weapons to the rebels, while Jordan offers its territory to be used to train them. British and French mercenaries are actively involved in training al-Qaeda mercenaries to continue their crimes in Syria. The US has also joined this criminal enterprise.
These do-gooders, while talking up the plight of Syrian refugees and using them to whip up hatred against the Bashar al-Asad government, refuse to help the refugees. Instead, by keeping them impoverished, they force Syrian women and girls to be sold to rich Saudis, Qataris and Jordanians. The Toronto Star, Canada’s largest circulation daily, no friend of the Syrian government, published a front-page story titled ‘They want beautiful girls, the younger the better,’ about the plight of Syrian girls in Jordan. Tales of horror of how young Syrian girls are exploited would send shudder down the spine of any decent human being.

Saudi men, some as old as 70, leer at young girls for a small sum, sometimes as low as $2 to see whether they like them to take them away permanently. The terrible conditions in which the refugees are forced to live, leave the women with little choice but to seek the highest bidder for their young daughters. This disgraceful behavior is being actively and openly promoted even as hundreds of millions of dollars, if not billions are spent on waging war against Syria. 

Lecherous Saudi men have swarmed into Jordan. They come loaded with cash in search of flesh, the younger the better. In the past, the Saudis gained notoriety when they went to India to fetch 12-year-old brides. Poor Muslim families in India sold their daughters in hopes of a better future for them. These girls were often abused and then discarded. Now, the Saudis have found something closer to home. Syrian girls are pretty and speak with a soft Arabic accent—the best in the Middle East—and the crude Saudis and Qataris with their thick set hands and protruding bellies are salivating at the prospect of finding young Syrian beauties.

Muslims filled with hatred for the Bashar regime should ask themselves: why are their sisters in Syria being forced into prostitution by the very regimes that claim to be supporting the Syrian rebels? Why are the Saudi, Qatari and other Arab regimes not providing financial help to support the refugees if they are so concerned about the plight of Syrians?
One cannot help but contrast the terrible condition of Syrian refugees in Jordan with those in Lebanon where Hizbullah has provided generous help to all refugees. The Hizbullah does not ask about their political affiliations, unlike the Turks and Qataris. There are nearly 430,000 Syrian refugees in Lebanon. They are not only provided decent shelter but also food and medical care. The hate-filled rebels in Syria consider the Hizbullah an “enemy” yet this enemy is acting in a far more noble manner toward Syrian refugees than their Saudi and Qatari sponsors.

The Syrian rebels, their political leaders and Arabian sponsors—Saudis, Qataris and Turks—have much to answer for.
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