
Thursday, March 14, 2013

When Feos Became Friends!

Andhra Pradesh chief minister Kiran Reddy must be basking in the glory of the olive branch offered to it by the Telugu Desam party which not only announced that it would not participate in the no-confidence motion proposed by the TRS and the YSRCongress separately.

Kiran’s joy is not out of caprice, nor TDP’s decision marked by whim.

The main opposition had also issued a whip directing its members not to take part even in endorsing the no-trust move at the very outset. Whether the legislative law can be invoked to have anybody disqualified if they violate the whip is debatable. Some of them may second the no-trust move for its admission for debate on the floor of the house and may consider legal options on whether or not to take part in the voting.

For now on the face of it the Congress government is safe what with the gesture of the TDP. Kiran Reddy, over whelmed by the disunity among the opposition went a step ahead and declared that the Congress and the TDP were the only two major political forces that would fight the upcoming general elections.  In saying all others are minor players, the Chief Minister, wittingly or unwittingly ignored the political vicissitudes.  Kiran Reddy is apparently swayed by the interpretative versions appearing in a section of media which is not devoid of biases.

The Chief Minister said that the YSRC and the TRS did not have cadre base in villages. He reiterated that the no-confidence motion had an agenda: the two parties did not want the local body elections to take place so that they could camouflage their infirmities.

No one knows whether he roared or hissed, but he said indiscipline had no place and it would be dealt with firmly and those indulging in anti-party activities would be given notices and action, taken.

He sounded confident that the government would not be destabilised owing to the no-confidence motion. Typical of a Congress man that he is, he dangled the proverbial carrot to lure a few of his own colleagues and to restrict some of those nursing an idea of bidding adieu to his company by suggesting that there could be a cabinet expansion in the  near future.

He described the Congress as the river Ganges and many tributaries would come and join the main stream.

There has been trading of charges between the TDP, the YSRC and the TRS about the no-trust move and the whip issued by the TDP, political advantages each was trying to derive.

The government did not fall, he would take political celibacy, challenged YSRC legislator Balineni Srinivasa Reddy, if the TDP too supported the no-confidence motion.

Danam Nagender and the likes went about town acknowledging the gesture of the TDP in one form or the other.

Meanwhile Chandrababu Naidu too is hell-bent on not joining hands with the YSRC and the TRS.
But neither the Congress nor the TDP is ignorant of the fact that the two parties they are jeering at or small fries in the political war fare.

T Harish Rao ridiculed Chandrababu Naidu for issuing a whip not to support the no-confidence motion .
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