
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Who Should Be Sacked, Indian Prime Minister?

The Prime Minister has publicly claimed that he and his senior cabinet colleagues were unaware of the CBI raid against DMK leader MK Stalin. The CBI has stated: “The operation was strictly in accordance with procedure.” The CBI functions under the Prime Minister. It is directly overlooked by Minister of State in the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) V Narayanasamy.

According to set procedure before the CBI can launch investigation, order prosecution or conduct a raid against a public official it must obtain sanction from the cabinet.

In other words if the CBI is not lying it must have informed at least Mr. Narayanasamy about the decision to raid Stalin. The importance of the individual raided would make it imperative that clearance for sanction should have been granted after due consideration at the highest level.

However the PM and FM have both professed ignorance about the decision to conduct the raid. The CBI has stated that due procedure was observed. According to media reports Narayanasamy sought facts of the case from CBI Director Ranjit Sinha and conveyed these to the DMK leaders.

Does that imply that before seeking information from Sinha about the case Narayanasamy was unaware of details pertaining to a raid against such an important leader? Does it mean that Sinha did not seek his sanction before conducting the raid?

If the CBI has lied about observing due procedures Ranjit Sinha must be dismissed.

If CBI spoke the truth Narayanasamy must inform the public why he did not inform the cabinet about the decision to conduct a raid against an important leader. Did he take a singular decision or was he directed by any extra-constitutional authority? If he granted sanction for the raid without informing the cabinet he must be dismissed. If he informed the cabinet the PM as well as Chidambaram was privy to the decision on the raid and their disclaimer about knowledge of the raid is a lie.

The public has the right to know who is speaking the truth and who is lying. The public has the right to know who is accountable and deserves dismissal.

Ranjit Sinha, Narayanasamy or the Prime Minister must resign.

Governance based on such brazen contradictions raises fundamental questions about the future of this nation.

It raises questions about who in truth is charting this nation’s future.
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