
Sunday, April 7, 2013

A Perfect With A Sheer Imperfection!

In an ever-evolving world, why should a state of static perfection be a desired goal at all? Beauty and progress lie in imperfection.

Ever noticed the intensity that actor Aamir Khan brings to work? It is an intensity that has in its grip not just him, but entire audiences as well. Aamir confessed on a television talk show that his work exhausts him so much that he contemplates giving up his career after the completion of each movie! Can you imagine the stress of being ‘Mr Perfect’? 
Striving for ‘perfection’ is not the same as trying to do the best you can. While to try your best is an attempt to make the most of your potential, trying for perfection is an attempt to meet goals and ideals that have no set definition. Even if you are able to score a ‘perfect’ goal in a game, there could still be something lacking in your technique. You can always do everything better, and if that is so, nothing can be perfect. What is perfect to you may not be perfect to another. 
And who is to judge anyway? When you do the best you can, the only judge you are submitting to is yourself. However, when you strive for perfection, you lay yourself open to judgement from the whole world. And yet, we all want to be perfect humans, perfect spouses, perfect parents, perfect professionals, and strive for perfect homes and perfect lives. Continuously measuring yourself against an unachievable ideal can have a negative impact and probably reverse the possibility of becoming a better person. Such an attempt would leave one frustrated and dissatisfied, far from the state of contentment that is considered a prerequisite for happiness. 
The search for perfection is as old as human history. Humans have always strived to rise above their present condition and achieve a better, flawless version of themselves and their lives. Perhaps, this is an attempt to rise above the pain and banality of human existence. 
In ancient Egypt, kings were represented as ideal, perfect humans equal to gods in looks and manner. A quest for the ‘perfect’ human body has been the occupation of many cultures. In ancient Greece, this was one of the most important pursuits defined for everyday life; the same quest was translated into art by the Romans, and by our ancestors in Ajanta, Ellora, Elephanta and Karli caves. Artist Leonardo Da Vinci used geometry to create the ‘perfect’ human male figure. In Indian mythology, Maryada Purushottam Ram is the concept of perfection — the finest specimen of a disciplined human being. Sir Thomas Moore’s coinage of the word “utopia” meaning a society or community with highly desirable qualities, created yet another ideal to be aspired to. 
Greek philosopher Aristotle was the first to give a definition of “perfection”. He gave it three meanings — that which is complete (has all requisite parts); that which is so good that nothing of the kind could be better, and that which has attained its purpose. 
Philosophers found a duality in this definition — something that is complete by itself is not the same as something that is perfect for a certain purpose. As the definition evolved, Italian freethinker Lucilio Vanini came up with the concept that “the greatest perfection is imperfection,” since there would be no scope left for progress. 
Indeed, the greatest excitement of life is in development and progress. If one were to ever achieve the unachievable and become perfect, it would wipe out all excitement and anticipation from life. In contemporary times, when we talk of perfection, we do not think of it in terms of ethics, moral or social good. It is more in connection with the self, in perfecting ourselves and being several notches above the rest. It is a pursuit that doesn’t just leave one frustrated but takes away from present pleasures as well. For truly, in our imperfection lies the greatest perfection. 
The allure of a beautiful face is the mole that adorns it, the sexiest smiles are the asymmetrical, rather than ‘perfect’ ones. Size zero was never as beautiful as a curvy figure. Even the most lovable of gods, Lord Krishna, has his imperfections. They bring a certain reality and humanness that is attractive. 
In an ever-evolving life and with our ever-evolving minds, how can we seek perfection in any static state? It is far more desirable to be yourself, do the best you can and bring passion to everything you do. And who better to tell us this than “Mr Perfect” Aamir Khan who says, “I don’t see myself as a perfectionist. I don’t think anyone is perfect or anyone can be. I am someone who enjoys doing what I am doing and I do it with lot of love and passion.” 
The perfect recipe for the desirable state of perfect imperfection! 
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